Performing "Heart Chant" by Pauline Oliveros 

With a sound I discover the world | Art Poio 


With a sound, the voice of our mother, we connect with life, and with another sound, our first cry, we enter it.
We grow, move forward, and the journey begins!
In this workshop, children and adults alike come into contact with the most fundamental element of life: sound.
Together, they experiment with sounds and "proto-musical" phrases through movement and gestures, discovering silence, noise, words, and melody.
They engage in deep listening processes, explore rhythm, create soundscapes with colors and shapes, and compose sound stories, all while strengthening their bonds with one another.
Within a free space for expression and communication, auditory perception, emotions, and imagination develop and mutually nourish one another, contributing significantly to the healthy emotional and psychological development of the participants.
Diving into silence
Diving into silence
Creating a graphic score
Creating a graphic score
Playing the score together
Playing the score together
Design - Implementation: Irini Kalogeropoulou 
Organised by Art Poio
Karaoli & Dimitriou 105 Moschato

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