What does silence mean to you?
Does silence truly exist?
What is the sound of bodies breathing together?
What is the relationship between sound and space, and what narratives emerge from their interaction?
How would it feel to listen through a polyphony of senses? And what might we hear if we returned to the landscapes of our motherland and childhood?
The research workshop "Echoes: Spaces, Landscapes, Bodies, Narratives" explores sound as a carrier of memory, identity, and storytelling. It delves into the musical life of objects and bodies within space and investigates the art of listening as a practice of care and a way of (co)existence.
Drawing inspiration from Pauline Oliveros' Deep Listening methodology, the workshop includes:
Somatic practices
Sonic meditations
Observation  games centered on space and the body
Group compositions
Dream sharing
The goal of the workshop is to cultivate a heightened sensitivity to sound—an aesthetic and perceptual approach to understanding the world.
How can we listen collectively, creating shared sonic realities?
What remains silent, unsaid, and invisible in our daily lives?
Through verbal scores, we aim to answer these questions, experiment, compose, play, and discover the sonic lives of objects, spaces, and bodies. Together, we share experiences, memories, recollections, and dreams.
Design - Implementation: Irini Kalogeropoulou
Organised by Art Poio 
January 2025

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