A Hug Made of Sweaters
Threads intertwine, stories intertwine, hands that leave their mark...
Threads intertwine, stories intertwine, hands that leave their mark...
Theatre Lab of the 6th Primary School of Vrilissia
A theatrical composition exploring the essence of love through stories that have the power to warm our hearts. Inspired by a Banksy graffiti, a poem by Argyris Chionis, as well as personal narratives, objects, images, and sounds, this performance seeks to create a “fragmented city of love” built from the group’s raw, authentic materials.
A hug made of tender hands that know how to care, that have learned how to give!

Teaching-Directing: Irini Kalogeropoulou
Text: The group
Songs (lyrics-music): Nikoletta Karavani
Text: The group
Songs (lyrics-music): Nikoletta Karavani
Performance of Theatre Lab | 6th Primary School of Vrilissia
December 2024