A Hug Made of Sweaters 
Threads intertwine, stories intertwine, hands that leave their mark...  
Theatre Lab of the 6th Primary School of Vrilissia 
A theatrical composition exploring the essence of love through stories that have the power to warm our hearts. Inspired by a Banksy graffiti, a poem by Argyris Chionis, as well as personal narratives, objects, images, and sounds, this performance seeks to create a “fragmented city of love” built from the group’s raw, authentic materials.  
A hug made of tender hands that know how to care, that have learned how to give!  
Teaching-Directing: Irini Kalogeropoulou
Text: The group
Songs (lyrics-music): Nikoletta Karavani
Performance of Theatre Lab | 6th Primary School of Vrilissia
December 2024

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