Have you ever stopped, paid attention, and taken action by listening to the hidden voice of the city?
As John Levack Drever highlights, one of the key objectives of soundwalking “is about circum-navigating habituation, in a process of de-sensitization and consequently re-sensitization in order to catch a glimpse of the ‘invisible, silent, and unspoken’ of the everyday.” The artistic research project Cityphonic Walks nurtures a process of re-sensitization to the sonosphere through a score-based method of walking, intentional listening, soundmaking, and audio walks in urban spaces of Athens.
These practices create an open space for communal sonic engagement, where language, embodiment, and spatiality converge to foster a shared acoustic community. The objective is to bring to the forefront the often disregarded sonic aspects of our habitual lived experiences, making them visible and audible through a poetics of noticing, providing opportunities for action towards the realization of transformation.
This type of transformation aligns with Lefebvre's concept of everyday life as an art of living, which serves not only as a context for sociological investigation but above all as a context for action.
The Artistic research project was carried out during the Master Performing Public Space | Fontys Academy of the Arts
Supervised by Danae Theodoridou, Tutor at MA Performing Public Space
Sept. 2022 - June 2023